Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Rain... Rain... Go AWAY!!!

Good afternoon people! I'm blogging again to make up for the super sad morning one =(

So it has been raining here since Sunday!!! It’s making me sooo crazy! I get two breaks a day at work to get away from the desk and do whatever I please for fifteen minutes. Usually I make phone calls to my family and friends during this time and now I have to go sit at my "other desk" due to the rain. Which I can't talk on the phone at because I feel like everyone can hear me! Let me back up and explain "other desk" real quick.

I sit at the front reception desk and control the switchboard, run the cafe (of life!!) and take care of the usual everyday receptionist tasks.  I also help out our office manager with invoices and whatever she needs help with.  On top of that, I have two executives that I help assist and handle their schedules or whatever they need as well. Here are a few pictures from my reception desk...

 This is the view looking out towards the Cafe (of life!). Notice the oh so magical Coy Fish Tank. These little suckers are insane! I have seen them replaced three separate times! Something happens and they go crazy (aka get "sick") One jumped straight out of the tank and landed flat on the floor! (The thud heard around the office) One of our guests picked him up and tossed him back in with her bare hands! Thank God, I did not want to have to touch this "sick" fish. Another time, A-Rod (R.I.P.) would splash this one guy every time he would walk by. I loved it! Unfortunately, when those fishy games started they all had to go to the "Medicated Tank" aka the Hudson River. So now were on batch three and they are two grand a pop! (Per fish) In my opinion they should just buy Carp, but what do I know.

This is another view from my reception desk and there you can see our weekly flowers we order that I pretend are for me! This week we are taking a trip to Hawaii it seems!!! Aloha~

When I am not at my "reception desk" I am at my other desk that is closer to my "execs" and I hate it!!! It is your everyday run of the mill cubicle and I am not fond of this space because every one can hear me and see me. I dunno, maybe if it had a little roof I would like it much better. However, this also is not your everyday cube. It comes with its own magical pranking Leprechaun, or someone is playing jokes or someone HATES me. Ha Ha. I will go to my desk and find weird things placed there that do not belong. Baskets, cases of water, lamps, boxes, and I can keep going. Today, on my break I walk up to find THIS scene!!!

 Count them!!! One... Two.... THREE!!!! office chairs slammed into my "cube" like this is the Panhellenic Parking Lot!!! Ughhhhhhh soooo annoying!! This has been going on for months!! Not to sure who is doing this, but I plan to get to the bottom of it... So rain... rain... go away its making people nuts!!! CLEARLY!!!  And if it is that Leprechaun his days are numbered!!!

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