Sunday, October 31, 2010

Monster Mash

So just to update y'all; I found  my phone!!! Thank God!! I bee bopped down to Three Steps at 7:00 PM in sponge curlers, Hunter rain boots, yoga paints and a grey military jacket. I looked a hot mess! I convinced myself it was okay  because "its Halloween"  Why soo late to get my phone you ask? Because that's what time they open up on Saturdays! Ummm... Dumbest idea ever! Who opens up at that time? Especially on Halloween weekend when Elmo, Gonzo, Super Heroes, Ga Gas and Chilean Miners are traipsing through the streets of Manhattan. Come on y'all ! Get with the program! Any who, so when I got there I asked the waitress if anyone found a phone or turned one in last night and she says "ummm I haven't seen one"! Come on girl get with the program! Open your horrid eye lined eyes and look!! So she makes a couple laps up and down the bar while checking her nail polish for chips (Midnight in Moscow I believe) and says "Well, if it was here it be right here. Why don't you give me your number and I'll call you if it turns up?" I look at this broad like "are you serious" (you know the look), and she goes "oohhhh... right." So finally her one brain cell works and she decides to text the girl working last night if she knows anything. So then I finally remember my outfit and notice the three guys at the bar starting at me in confusion. Granted they were dressed up like a Nintendo Controller, the Situation and a blue M&M (bashful blue?). Finally, the brainiac comes back from the back and says "whats the screen saver" and I had to refrain myself from screaming out ESTELLE CHAPPELL! As if it would be anything thing else! DUH! Finally, we were reunited and it felt like Christmas the year I got my Baby Alive!

The rest of the night was good! Gretchen my roommate has a friend in the city that rented out a bar for her Halloween Party! She was sooo sweet and friendly! Erin went as Sandra Dee, Gretchen went as Medusa and I pulled out my good old Hooters costume. We got to the party and found a good sized crowd, and I was pleased. Scored bar stools and scoped out the scene before I took off my trench coat. After my scan of the place I decided to leave on my coat. No one was dressed scandalous at all! We had a girl football player, a kissing booth, Indian, owl and family guy Mom just to name a few. People were like "are you a flasher"  YEP... "Are you a Russian Spy" YOU KNOW IT! hahahaha... Finally, after an avatar girl showed up with her tight blue suit I had my in and dropped the coat! It was a nice time and nice people. After the party we got word there was an after party at this guys parent's apartment on the Upper West Side. So we decided to go for a bit just to check it out. So we get there and its one girl and two guys, one being the boy who lived there and things looked boring/awkward. So we walk in and I took in every view of what a great apartment is supposed to be like in the city. Soooo Jealous!! One day I'll have a nice place! So I of course zero in on a kitty cat scratching post and say show my the kitty. So we finally track down this Monte and I immediately ask "is that a Scottish Fold"? Apartment Boy was immediately shocked!! He could not belive I knew that! Ha Ha Ha! I was quite proud of myself!! I'm down on my cat breads! So after I gave Monte my special kitty scratch we busted out of that joint! We were there for about ten minutes max. So much for an after party!

After that we came home and pounded food and watched SNL before we hit the hay! Halloween 2010 was a success. Next year I was to be this 70s Foxy lady I think. I can't think of her name right now but brown Afro and Metalic gold dress! Score Ola! Can't wait! Only 364 days till next year.

Ohhhhhh and you know how "they" say everything happens in threes? My roomates lost their phones yesterday too! Erin left hers in a cab yesterday afternoon and the cabbie came and returned it with in a few minutes, and Gretch left hers in the cab on the way home last night but she immediately realized it in enough time to catch him. A Halloween coinsidence I say!

Okay, hitting the hay! 6:30 AM comes awfuly early!

Saturday, October 30, 2010

The Future dun... dun... dun...

Yesterday at work we had a Halloween Party. Nothing special just beer and candy, but it was fun! Anything to get me away from that desk is a disco tech to me! But any who, after that I came home and ate some dinner and Danielle wanted to grab a drink. So we went to Three Steps which in conveniently right between our apartments!!! So this morning I woke up the WORST THING EVER THAT COULD HAPPEN TO A PERSON!!! I lost my iphone!! I have been up since then having massive anxiety!! What I'm thinking that happened is that I left it at the bar. STUPID! So I have to wait till 7:00 PM when the bar opens to go in and see if its there!!! I am praying the baby Jesus, Mother Mary and every single Saint in Heaven throw me a bone and let me find it!!! There is no way I can go back to a crackBerry! NO WAY!!! I don't think I can handle that!

So to the point of the post!! MY FUTURE! When I decide to leave the city and move back home I'm going to open a candy store!! This candy store will be located in downtown Ocean Springs. This is the cutest town in the entire state of Mississippi! When I was in elementary school kids in my class would sneak out at recess time and go to Candy Cottage to get stuff. I never did of course because I'm a rule follower! I never broke the rules or got in trouble! Go me!! Gold star, and Candy Cottage is boring! No good candy! Its like old people stuff and tastes old.

In my store I will sell homemade cupcakes, candies and pies. These are my favorite things!! I will make this stuff with my own two hands! I believe that everything made by a person and by a person that absolutely loves what they do tastes better! I love cooking and baking; its like therapy to me. It relaxes me and makes me so proud, and nothing is better than someone saying "OMG, that is soooo good!" When someone asks for the recipe it makes my heart go warm. Gold star please! Mission accomplished! Score Ola! Living here in New York City I am getting so many inspirations and ideas for what I want my store to be like. I also know that in the back of my store I am going to have a tea party room for little girls. They can come here for their birthdays and blow it out! There will be trunks filled with hats, dresses, gloves etc. to name a few! NO BOYS ALLOWED! I think it will be hit!

Also, Stells will be the mascot of course! She will come up the store with me and hang out. She'll have a dog bed and all. She may even dress up and join a few birthday tea parties!  So excited! Can't wait! No body better steal my idea either!! If I go home and see my dream stolen I WILL BURN THE PLACE DOWN!! F arson I'll get you!!!

I suppose losing my phone was kind of a good thing. Blogging on a Saturday? Sheesh!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Is it Friday YET????

Soooo.... I have been majorly slacking on my "blogging”!! Ugh... so ashamed!! tisk... tisk... I've just been sooooo busy... Yeah right, nothing is going on. Bored to bits! So while I ponder what to write about that has ".importance", I will leave you with 25 things about me! Inspired by my US Weekly and Justin Beiber (this week's candidate) Here we go... Which is my age!!! O-M-G!! Ironic! ha.. Just kidding obviously!

1. I want to be a flight attendant really BAD!!! I even had a connection with Continental Airlines who set me up with an interview after I graduated from college. Too bad the airlines had lay offs and my dream went down the drain.... I have the whole emergency "skit" memorized.

2.  All through school I would have Chocolate Milk Chugging Contests with my friends at lunch!! I am undefeated! I'm talking from Kindergarten to senior year at Mercy Cross! One... Two... Three... CHUG!! I dominated! I made it my contribution to school spirit and participating in extra curricular activities at school. Since I'm scared of the ball; yes that present tense! Still scared = ( 


3. I once swam into a school of Man-of-War... Very painful experience; physically and mentally. After I was pulled up out of the water by my arms and up onto the swimming platform I was met with cups full of beer, meat tenderizer and urine. From my Aunts, Uncles, Mother and Father to name a few... "To get the sting out!"  Vomit... Which reminds me!

4. The first time I ever fainted was at my friend Romig's bachelorette Party. I wanted to get out of the water and in order to do so they had to pull you out of the water by your arms and onto the back deck. Anyway, I hit my shin on the side ledge and it started swelling up soooo fast and looking like an egg under my skin that everyone started staring and pointing at. Uttt ohhhh... Don't like being the center of attention and BAM flat out on the deck! Embarrassing... I bring new meaning to the term hit the deck.

5. I have an obsession with Cheese!! I love love love it!! Sometimes I like to pinch it between my lips so it leaves a small film on them. I feel this brings out more of the "flavor" and then I eat it off. So technically, I get to eat it twice! Yay for me!! And Yay for CHEESE!!

                                               A fine selection of semi-firm fromage!

6. I played with my Barbies till 10th Grade... This also includes House, School and other such games of the imaginary nature! I call this "creativity".

                                     My fave!!! Scarlett !!!"Well Frankly my dear, I don't give a damn"...
7. I am extremely shy! All through school I would just take the F on projects if they involved getting in front of the class and speaking! Especially in my Sex101 class in college! Hell no I am not getting in front of the class to discuss Karma Sutra or Dildos. (Refer to number 4)

8. I hate when people say the word "winder" instead of window. COME ON PEOPLE!!!

9. I love history! I was lucky enough to travel abroad and learn all about World War II right there on the beaches of Normandy. I will never forget it and I am forever grateful to my father for letting me have that experience!

10. I wore glasses till 7th grade. HUGE tortoise shell ones and before that red frames.

11. Almost legally blind! I can't see a thing without my contacts or glasses.

12. I've never broken a bone in my body (knock on wood)

13. I'm super superstitious. Hahhaahah

14.  I was a vegetarian for a short period in my life. From about sixth grade till tenth, not for that traditional reasons either. My mother would ALWAYS cook pork chops and I hated it! So I simply said "I no longer eat meat" the end... Sorry Mom.

15. When I was younger I was obsessed with the movie the Secret Garden. I wanted a secret garden now (in the voice of Baruka from Willy Wonka)! So I decided to make one under the deck behind our house! It was a rather large deck which made the possibility of my secret garden magical.Oh the imaginary game possibilities!!  I could even stand up under there! Any who, I bought seeds and scattered them everywhere like Mary Lennox in the movie, and I would shout "tulips" "lilies" "daffodils" "ferns". After several weeks my Mom asked me why I kept going under there and I told her my "secret". She totally burst my bubble when she told me the seeds couldn't grow because the sun could not reach the seeds under the deck. DUH!!!

16. In High School they always gave out awards at the end of the year for all kinds of things, and I being the non-athletic shy girl I never got anything!! So I decided I would get the attendance award my junior year. I did not miss one day!! Not ONE!!! I would drag myself to school sick, rain or shine! I was there because I wanted an award soooo bad. Well guess What? Per Usual they discontinued the award that year. I waited and waited all through assembly for them to announce the "Perfect Attendance Award" and they never did.

17. At our Senior Awards Banquet I received the "Most Promising Artist" award. I'm still proud of this one. Forget attendance! Whoop Whoop!

18.  I had a pet crawfish the size of a lobster once. Our slutty babysitter Kimmy pulled it out of the ditch behind our house.

                                                       Ohhh Kimmie... BFFs

19. I love to cook! Love it! Currently I am obsessed with Spaghetti Squash! Thanks Romeo! =)

20. The thing that scares me most in the world in not being able to have children. I don't even want to think about it. My grandmother reassures me that we are fertile Chappells hahaha... Hope she right.

21. I love Family History! I love hearing where I came from and all the amazing stories!

22. I'm related to Black Beard the Pirate! He is my great great great great grandfather or something. ARRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!

                                                       I can see the resemblence....

23. My most beloved feline friend Garfield who I had from the age of five till fifteen; had feline AIDS. Meowww poor Kit~TAY! He unfortunately was hit by my dumb neighbor in his rice burner!!! Arse!

24. " I see dead people".... Just ask.

25.  I have a love hate relationship with egg nog... I love it soo much! I will drink cup after cup! I'll bring back my old chuggin skills and dominate people left and  right!! I will sip it through straws!! I will even funnel the stuff! Then after the fun has dissolved... dun... dun... dun... in sets in... the tummy ache. This is such a sweet word for such a terrible feeling! Its hurts so bad! I'd rather be hit in the head with a beer bottle again to escape the pain. Just kidding.

26. For luck =) I believe everything DOES happen for a reason!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

No way you cannot have my PIE!!!

My roommate Gretchen has this friend who got a tattoo recently of the pi symbol. I was like ummm why? Is she a mathlete?  She explained the story to me and it makes perfect sense! I am trying to live my life by the "pie" method from here on out. SCORE OLA!!!

Every morning when you wake up you get a fresh baked pie!! Its soooo delicious!! It can be any flavor you want; apple, blueberry, raspberry etc. My pie happens to be blueberry and it tastes amazing with vanilla ice cream on top!! Just to let you know... Any who, as you go through out your day, you carry your pie with you and when someone upsets you or makes you mad you MUST give them a piece of your pie. Umm yeah, I know... Nobody, wants to give up a piece of their delicious (imaginary and fat free) pie to an A hole!

So at the end of the day; when you change into your comfy "TV Watching Clothes" and sit on the couch; you’re allowed to take out your pie and eat it, or what is left of it. The point of this is don't waste your "pie" on things that aren't worth a piece! Don't get mad that your boss took something out on you, your boyfriend rather watch TV with the guys tonight, that someone was making fun of you, talking about you etc. Don't sweat the small stuff.... Decide what is worth a piece of your "pie"...