Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Needles and Matches

Morning Folks!! Hope you are all enjoying this magnificent HUMP DAY!!! When I was a kid; well… until after I graduated I thought it was Happy “Hump” day as in “let’s get it on people”!!!! I’d be like how can radio stations say that!!?? So crude and immoral!! But to the point! Happy Hump Day Y’all! Only two more days and we will be back in the graceful arms of another glorious weekend! I don’t really have any plans this weekend; which is a WONDERFUL feeling! My roommate has a couple friends coming in town from Boston and I think I’m going to join them for a “boozy brunch” !! Looking forward to that since I was LAME at last weekend’s get together! I mean my shirt was inside out the entire time!!! I didn’t realize it till I got home and my roommate says: “You look cute, but your shirts inside out. I can see your tags”! hahaha! Oh well…

In a recent post, I mentioned my elementary school librarian Ms. Mitzi. She was the strangest person I ever met in my life and I will never forget her, and I am not sure if that a bad or good thing.  In about 4th grade we got a new librarian and she informed us her name was Ms. Mitzi Martin and we were like eh? Mitzi? She had this wooden board that had her name burned into it with flowers, birds and butterflies that she hung behind her desk  and we were like “wow” (Just like Joey Lawrence from Blossom). 

She had fiery red hair and was a white as a sheet of paper. We all sat at our tables and pondered if library “time” was about to become “party” time; since our old librarian just up and retired in the middle of the school year. She was another character in herself. Extremely strict and mean, but confessed to us one day after reading  James and the Giant Peach that she loves to take her old pill bottles with her to the gas station and fill them gasoline because she loves the smell and wanted to be able to smell it all the time… No wonder little Drew and Michael started huffing glue out of their sandwich bags in the back of the classroom! 

Any way back to the point!! We pretty much did what we wanted in that hour of library time outside the classroom and randomly she would try to “teach” us. Mind you her subject was LIBRARY STUDIES and not RELIGION CLASS!!! (oh yeah, I went to a Catholic elementary school) So one day she is in one of her moods and tells us all these scary stories about God, Jesus and Mary. She told us that one time she went to mass and this woman dropped the communion host on the ground and it turned to flesh and started bleeding. At another mass she attended in Mexico I think it was; the priest was holding up the host and during the blessing ceremony it started to bleed and turned to flesh as well. She also told us of floating priests, stigmata, possession and being taken over by the Holy Spirit!  This  group of 10 year old did not understand any of this and quite frankly frightened us to the core!!! Had us shaking in our navy blue School Apparel brand shorts (please see post “Becky Bulls Eye…BAM” for reference). Nevertheless, the scariest thing old Mitzi did was when she popped in a video tape about the kids in Medjugorje that were visited by the Virgin Mary!! This video showed actual footage of the three children on their knees staring up in the sky having conversations with Mary!!! This miracle happened in the early 80s and doctors were sticking them with HUGE needles and burning them with matches to get a reaction and nothing would take their eyes of the vision in the sky that only they could see!! It was intense and they described these apparitions as ecstasy, when the children were in their conversations.  Well, Mary had a message for the children to the Pope and the world. Basically, the world is going to be in serious trouble and we need to start praying the Rosary. Which I did for years, daily when I was younger! The message to Pope John Paul was top secret and he took it with him to heaven.  I think I (we) need to start praying the Rosary again! ASAP, especially after my post yesterday! Ha-ha! (not funny)…

Here is a link with more information in the apparitions :

So, after all of this I was seriously FREAKED out and terrified of Mary, Angels or any Saint appearing to me!! Noooo I don’t want to look at pictures of St. Theresa!! NOOOO not St. Francis of Assisi!!!  I made my Mom leave the hall night on every night and she finally asked me what was wrong and I told her of my fears and she responded  “ That would be the BEST miracle ever! Why wouldn’t you want them to appear to you?” and I replied because “ I don’t want to be a nun”! They just have horrible outfits and all the nuns I came across in my elementary school were mean or seemed really sad. Which is a really depressing statement, but at the time I was a freaked out ten year old! NO JOKE! 

So one night I’m deep in dreams about being Mrs. Devon Sawa when I’m awoken by a flashing light, and I hysterically start screaming and crying and then everything goes black! Oh my lord MARY IS APPEARING TO ME, but low and behold the hall light was just burning out! I will never forget that fear of that night and Mrs. Mitzi’s  terrifying stories she told us. 

 Devon in his Little Giants Days. Dream boat =)

Four years later, I’m chilling in my 8th grade science at my new high school when low and behold our new teacher walks in Mrs. Mitzi!!!!!  However, she’s now going be the alias of Mrs. Mary Smith, and her hair is PURPLE (not shocked). Like what the hell!!!?? Can I not escape this woman, but then I thought to myself! Oh yes… now science class is “party time”. Which it was until she was fired because some students in one of her other classes were drinking beers!! Yes beers!! Who knows what is wrong with that woman! 

Update: I am no longer fearful of Jesus, Mary, God, Saints etc. I’ve over come my “fears”.

Happy Hump Day y’all; now I wonder what she’s doing now? I’m going to go try and stalk her on Facebook; hopefully she has not changed her name yet again!

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