Friday, April 29, 2011

Kale's BIGGEST Fan

Happy Friday everyone!! Lord, I feel like this was the longest week in years, and I don’t really know why either! I did not do anything monumental, except make Kale Chips from my idol, Gwyneth Paltrow’s new cookbook My Father’s Daughter (I’ll post the recipe at the end).

Another “big move” this week was that I actually used my gift certificate to get a “Hot Lavender Manicure” during my lunch break! I have been saving this certificate since Christmas for a “special occasion”, which never came; so I decided to be “crazy” and go use it Tuesday during my lunch break! And I must say that I am extremely pleased with my color choice. When I was told to “go pick out my color and wait over there” on this really cute-comfy couch; I had a mild heart attack when my planned color of choice was NOT there (nice-is-nice by ESSIE) or quite more frightening was that there weren’t any OPI or ESSIE colors in the entire place!! So I gathered up all my loose marbles off the floor and put on my big girl pants and choose a color like a dignified adult.  I ended up going with this bright pinkish-purple color by Zoya (top pick of six-year-olds 2010).  What I really like about this polish is that is has not chipped yet, and its two colors in one! In natural sunlight its Bright-PINK, and it “fake” light (indoors) its straight-up purple (GEAUX TIGERS) ! I’m quite pleased and I’m contemplating branching out and buying a bottle of the magic stuff myself!  The Spa was just adorable, and I never even knew it existed! It was called Sweet Lily and it looked right out of the pages of a Southern Living magazine. I just love Shabby-Chic decor!

Natural Light (not my nails)

Fake light Look (I wish these were my nails FIERCE RARRR)

Sweet Lily Spa

I don’t really have much planned for the weekend except to eat like a pig! I’m going to make brownies, pancakes, cupcakes, guacamole, cookies and French onion dip. I’m starting the Dukan Diet on Monday and I don’t want my food to go bad.  This is the diet the newly titled, Catherine Dutchess of Cambridge did before she married William this morning! I just have to say that she was a beautiful bride! She looked spectacular in her dress and just picture perfect, really.  I kills me to be inside today watching everyone “Get Down On It” in the streets of London-Town. Ugh… Its killing me! Only two more hours in my cube of torture! 

Any who, (I use that a lot and I have a feeling I’m using it incorrectly) (Parentheses too) negative people are getting on my nerves today! I’ve heard:
                1. Why would I care about someone’s wedding I don’t know?
                2.  With everything going on in the world right now like the tornados this is what they consider “Top News”
                3.  I wasn’t that impressed with her dress.
                4.  I wonder how much it costs tax payers to pay for that?

Ugh…  I just can’t take it! Why do negative people always have to drop buckets of negativity on something fun and exciting! Yes, I understand that there are terrible things going on in the world right now and the Royal Wedding shouldn’t be the only news of the day, but I’m sure if you flip through you’ll find networks delivering the stories your little negative hearts desire.  I just feel if you don’t have anything nice to say then don’t say anything at all. Just like my Mama taught me!! Like, what do these people think they are accomplishing by acting like that? I believe Reece Witherspoon said it perfectly when she said, "There’s so much happening in the world—and life is hard for a lot of people—and it’s a beautiful moment and I think everyone needs a little break to say, ‘Oh, wait, there’s happiness,’ and it’s worldwide,".  Way to go Reese!! Pump up the positivity!!

I’ve been trying not to let negative people affect me so much. When they say something negative it makes me think something negative in my head too! It’s just a vicious circle.  Last week, when I went to confession I had to wait in a line of chairs for my turn with the priest and this woman sat down next to be and “bitched” the whole time. She was ruining my “examining of my conscious” time, and making me pretty pissed off. She was huffing and puffing ! Why is this taking so long? I’ve been here for an hour! Gosh, she took FOREVER... bla… bla… bla… and looking for me to agree with her! I was getting really annoyed and she was ruining my time with God and making me think “bad thoughts” WHILE I waiting to confess my sins!! It was insane!! After she said her 98th comment to me I finally said, “patience is a virtue” and that shut her up for a tit.  When I finally spoke with the priest, I brought it up to him that when negative people say something, it just riles me up that they are sooo negative! He was just like don’t let it bother you and don’t eat ! Easier said than done, but I am working on it.  I guess I should practice the whole “Pie” analogy a little more. (Reference Post: No You Cannot Have My Pie).

Alrighty, well I guess I’m going to go. Hope you all have a swell weekend, and PUMP UP THE POSITIVITY!  

Last Minute Thought: What do puppies dream about? I mean I’ve been watching these Shiba Inu puppies and I can’t help but wonder what their dreams consist of? When Stells dreams, I know that she’s dreaming of chasing a ball through a big green yard. I just don’t understand what these puppies are dreaming about because they have no memories or life experiences to dream about. So are they dreaming about the womb or dreaming about the two seconds they wake up to change positions? I don’t get it? Woof!

Kale Chips

1 Bundle of Kale
1-2 Tablespoons of Olive Oil
Salt to taste

Pre-heat oven to 350 degrees

Step one: Wash and dry kale (salad spinners work magic)
Step two: Rip bite-size pieces of kale from stems
Step three: Add olive and mix in bowl with hands to make sure the pieces are evenly coated
Step four:  Spread out on cookie sheet
Step five: Sprinkle with desired amount of salt
Step six:  Bake for 10-20 minutes

They are very light and have the “taste” of a potato chip! I love them!  Nom… Nom… Nom… ENJOY!

Kale is the King (or Queen) of veggies!! Not only is it one of your best sources of beta-carotene, one of the antioxidants believed to be a major player in the battle against cancer, heart disease, and certain age-related chronic diseases, it also provides other important nutrients.

Kale also posses other important carotenoids that help keep UV rays from damaging the eyes and causing cataracts.
According to recent research results, kale is an incredible source of well-absorbed calcium, which is one of the many factors that may help prevent osteoporosis. It also provides decent amounts of vitamin C, folic acid, vitamin B6, manganese, and potassium.

Lastly, kale protects you from damaging free radicals. Its folate and B6 team up to keep homocysteine levels down, which may help prevent heart disease, dementia, and osteoporosis bone fractures.

Okay… Done being KALE NERD now!! Happy Friday!!

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