Tuesday, December 20, 2011

But I thought Meridian was the Queen City...?

Well hello there.... Long time no see you silly little blog you!!! Ha... Well, A LOT has changed since I last got the ax.... However, all you really need to know is that I have finally moved back home to Mississippi, and I am very  happy with my decision. Don't get me wrong... I miss New York more than words can say =( 

Farewell NYC...

Any who... A few weekends ago Scott (another change/addition to my life haha) and I went to visit our friends the Zingerys in Charlotte, North Carolina!! I was soooo excited to see my friends and have a "relaxing" weekend away, and I was definitely looking forward to all the food that I would be consuming in four short days!

Downtown Charlotte

When we landed in "The Queen City" we went straight to dinner at a restaurant called Roosters. Our friend Alex used to cook here and have heard many good things about it; So I was really excited about going!! The food is served Tapas style which, I'm a big fan of!! The duck wings were my favorite!! quackkkkkkkkk!

 All the Roosters... Which, I've become obsessed with!

 Mac and Cheese

Pan-fried Corn... Delish!

The next morning Cassanova and I decided we would go work out at the gym and go to a "Total Body Sculpting Class"! Which became the biggest mistake of the trip!! I could not walk for the next two days!!! But I will say that I am glad that I let "Jackie" beat my body and my spirit that gorgeous Friday Morning! She motivated me to get back into shape.... (we shall see how that goes).  Cassie goes the YMCA in Charlotte and it is hands down one of the largest and nicest gyms I've seen in awhile! 

Charlotte (Dowd) YMCA

After breaking a sweat at the gym we went for BURGERS and BEERS!!! I mean why not??? When in Rome!!! Oh well for those 800 burned calories! Cassie had off of work and Vacay had officially started!!!  We went to Big Daddy's Burger Bar where they had tons of beers on tap, multiple gourmet burger options and slutty/trashy looking waitresses to keep it interesting! I ended up getting the "Frenchie Burger" which had apples, brie cheese and bacon on a  turkey patty!! And let me just say it was divine!

Big Daddy's Burger Bar!

 Delish Tots!

 My burger... The "Frenchie"

After consuming 1000 plus calories we went shopping.... And I found lots of pretty things I would like to take home to my closet, but I controlled myself since its so close to Christmas! After, that I took a much needed nap; so I could be functioning for a night out on the town!! 
We went to dinner at a sushi place called Enso; where some friends from college joined us! It was really great to see them! 

 Cassie and I at Enso! Ohhhhhhhhhhhh and I dyed my hair auburn!
Still getting used to it, but I think I love it!!!

 Enso's front entrance

Enso was soo good!! I really liked the environment! It reminded me of NYC!! Loud and trendy!! And the sake flowed like sweet, sweet wine from .... I dunno where, but it was yummm! Glad I got over my allergic reaction to it as well!

Scott and I at Dandelion! (I think?)

After we ate we hit the town and bar hopped to a few places.... We ended up at a pub with a band downstairs and a DJ upstairs!! Which I'm sure didn't contribute to my soreness in a few short hours!!

Saturday morning, I  rolled out of bed like a 8 month of pregnant woman.... I have not been this sore in YEARS!!! YEARS I tell you!! Around 11 AM we woke up and I was sooo PROUD! I haven't slept past 7 in forever!! It felt amazeballs!!! Any who, Scott made us all a scrumptious breakfast and after we proceeded to park in the the living room for about three hours; just chilling out relaxing and shooting some b ball on Scott's fabulous basketball goal... After a few hours of chewing the fat we got the great idea to take Scott's big glass jar of coins to CoinStar and see how much money it had in it. We of course had to put a wager on it!! So the guys went to the grocery and CoinStar while Cass and I got ready for the night. 

After all the money was calculated and we looked over the guesses I WON!!! Which was a drink of choice at dinner that night... I went with the cucumber Cosmo! yummmmmmmmmmmz! That night we went to Soul Gatrolounge, which was another tapas place (score ola!) and it had a laid back-hipster feel!! Some of their friends from Charlotte joined us and we had a really nice time.... They also had bone marrow on the menu; which is on my bucket list.... Unfortunately... I will NEVER be eating that again! It was disgusting.... Someone made that comment that it tasted like sperm... It was like eating hot, salty jello.... Barf ola!!!! 

Rocky Mountain Oysters!!! Delish!! 
Who knew bull testicles taste so good?!

 Bone Marrow....

 More disgusting Bone Marrow! 
Glad I can check it off my bucket list!

 Tuna Tacos!

Cass and I at Soul's bar!

 Warm Goat Cheese Bruschetta! 

More Truffle Fries!

 Not ready to go home tomorrow!  WAH!

Lamb Lollipops!!!!!!

The last day in Charlotte... We slept till about 10ish.... Cassie's college bed is the BEST EVA!!!! ha! Any who... We woke up and got ready to watch the Saints game and got to cooking... Cassie made Cowboy Caviar Dip and Mac and Cheese with about 800 different types of Cheeses in it! The Magee's brought over a cheese ball and you know how I can't resist CHEESE!!!!!!!!! Yummsssss.... We also had ribs that Scott cooked on his Green Egg! Everything was soooooooooo delish!!! To top it off we had a Banana Caramel Pie that Kara made and it was soooooooooooo good!! Needless to say, Scott and I were miserably stuffed for our flight back to the Coast!!! 

We had such a great time with our friends and I can't wait to see them again!! Thanks again y'all for being so hospitable and opening your home to us! Kiss Chloe and Jay-gina for me!!

Saturday, May 14, 2011

The "AX"

Happy Saturday y'all!!! I wish I could say its a gorgeous day in the City, but that would be a lie. Its overcast and pretty chilly! Which really puts a damper on my Saturday-day plans! I wanted to go to Central Park and catch some rays and drink white wine spritzers, but that doesn't look like that's in the card for Miss Amanda. Ohhhh well! Any who... I guess I'll take advantage of this nasty day and catch y'all up with what's been going on in my life.

Last Friday, I was sitting at my desk working on a project when my phone rang and I saw the HR guy's name on the I.D. and I thought "ohhh here we go". So I walked on over to his office, and when I got there I found him and my "boss". The reason I call her my boss is because I only talked to her like twice in the four months that I was in that position. I'm not saying she is mean person or anything. She was always extremely nice to me when we did speak, but it was just really strange. Not like any of the bosses I've had in the past.  Any who, I knew what they were about to say I had a feeling this was coming. Unfortunately, events that happened in Japan led to our advertising budgets to be cut. There really wasn't anything for me to do at work everyday.  Any who, they told me to shut the door and take a seat and then my "boss" started talking "We were so happy, and excited to have you join the team but...." then I tuned out everything she was saying. She just sounded like one of those Charlie Brown characters that just make that wonk... wonk... sound.  Then I heard "its just not working out", "part ways" and "we hate this". So she said her peace and rolled on out of there and left me sitting across from our HR guy who I really like and grew kind of close to when I worked the front desk. He was like I don't want you to look at this as a bad thing! I couldn't stand to watch you sit at your desk and be miserable one more day. Which was the truth! I hated my "new" job/position with a passion! I didn't get a raise with the new title and was actually making LESS money than I made when working reception, which is really crappy! It lowered my work morale and made me feel like I was getting screwed over per usual! I was working longer hours and had soooo much more responsibility (in the beginning)! On top of that my "team" was very clicky, which brought me right back to high school and made me feel paranoid and awkward.  For example, one Friday they went to lunch for two and half hours and didn't invite me! Like we sit in cubicles right next to each other, and they'd yell "hey are you guys ready?" "let me finish this email" and all that jazz right while I'm sitting right there! How am I supposed to feel a part of the team when they disinclude me! They also used to play this weekly game where they would collect "points" on something. I'm not sure what they were collecting, but they'd walk around and say "I just got one"! Like what the hell!!!! Then they'd tally all their points and the "winner" would get to keep the trophy (yes guys, a freaking gold trophy) at their desk the following week. I dunno, but it made me feel so stupid and awkward.  Luckily, I had friends in other departments at the office, which made me feel better. I liked the people on my team. They were all super nice individually, but as a group they were different. I dunno... I'm not going to worry about it anymore and I wish them the best of luck in their lives. They are were extremely good at what they did! They'll do great things!

Back to the point.... The HR guy and I talked and he was very supportive and nice.  He said he was going to help me find another job and he agreed with me that my team was clicky and all that stuff.  He told me not to look at this as a bad thing, but as an opportunity to find a better job that makes me happy!The upsetting part that made me cry was not being able to hang out with my work friends anymore at the office, and I was terrified that I was going to be "escorted" out of the office, like I've seen happen to other employees in the past that have been let go. The last lady that got let go was escorted out by a security guy from down stairs and he watched her pack up her desk in to a box while I sat in the cube next to her. It made me feel sooooo bad for her... I had to get up and go sit in the front Cafe till it was over. I was humiliated for her and it was mortifying. I was TERRIFIED that what was going to happen to me.  I expressed this to him and he laughed and said "you are a totally different situation. He was so nice and told me to go ahead and grab my purse and act like I was going to grab a coffee and he would call the office manager and get him to bring down my suitcase (I was leaving for DC after work).

I really hate goodbyes, and I genuinely liked working for that company! They did fun things and tried to create a fun environment for us, but oh well there will be a better job out there. At least I don't have to have a "what if" anymore. I know that I do not like advertising and do NOT wish to pursue a career in it anymore! Check it off the list Chappell! I'm glad I had the opportunity to realize this and I can move forward in a career that will make me happy.  I know that if I did not have this opportunity I would always say "I wish I could have done something that related to my degree".  Now the question is "What makes me HAPPY"?

It just really sucks because I'm the type of person that gets stressed out physically! Like in my head I know I will be okay because everything does happen for a reason and that I will be okay, but something else in body freaks out for me!! Friday night when I got to DC I couldn't eat dinner or even sit in the restaurant because my stomach ulcer was killing me!! We had to go home so I could go to bed because I was in so much pain. Then the next morning I woke up with a "Stress Rash" all over my leg and it hurts really bad!  Like what the hell!!! Why does my body do this to me?!!

This past week I've received calls, emails, texts and Facebook messages from my friends at work shocked and offering words of comfort.  I really appreciate them and their kind words. So I guess these next few days/weeks/months you guys will be following me in my quest for a new job.  Hopefully, it take days and not Months. Ha ha... I leaving to go home for two and half weeks to explore an opportunity that has presented itself and see if its where I want to be. I will also be attending a wedding and a baby shower of one of my dearest friends who expecting a sweet baby girl! I'm actually really excited about the future! I think "I'll float on 'cause good news is on the way".

I came by this quote the other day and found if very fitting for where I am right now: "When Life takes you on a detour, just go with it. Could be God knows a shortcut that you don't..."

Heck, I made ten dollars off people clicking the ad on the side of my blog!!! Whoop Whoop!!!

Have a great weekend y'all!

Friday, April 29, 2011

Kale's BIGGEST Fan

Happy Friday everyone!! Lord, I feel like this was the longest week in years, and I don’t really know why either! I did not do anything monumental, except make Kale Chips from my idol, Gwyneth Paltrow’s new cookbook My Father’s Daughter (I’ll post the recipe at the end).

Another “big move” this week was that I actually used my gift certificate to get a “Hot Lavender Manicure” during my lunch break! I have been saving this certificate since Christmas for a “special occasion”, which never came; so I decided to be “crazy” and go use it Tuesday during my lunch break! And I must say that I am extremely pleased with my color choice. When I was told to “go pick out my color and wait over there” on this really cute-comfy couch; I had a mild heart attack when my planned color of choice was NOT there (nice-is-nice by ESSIE) or quite more frightening was that there weren’t any OPI or ESSIE colors in the entire place!! So I gathered up all my loose marbles off the floor and put on my big girl pants and choose a color like a dignified adult.  I ended up going with this bright pinkish-purple color by Zoya (top pick of six-year-olds 2010).  What I really like about this polish is that is has not chipped yet, and its two colors in one! In natural sunlight its Bright-PINK, and it “fake” light (indoors) its straight-up purple (GEAUX TIGERS) ! I’m quite pleased and I’m contemplating branching out and buying a bottle of the magic stuff myself!  The Spa was just adorable, and I never even knew it existed! It was called Sweet Lily and it looked right out of the pages of a Southern Living magazine. I just love Shabby-Chic decor!

Natural Light (not my nails)

Fake light Look (I wish these were my nails FIERCE RARRR)

Sweet Lily Spa

I don’t really have much planned for the weekend except to eat like a pig! I’m going to make brownies, pancakes, cupcakes, guacamole, cookies and French onion dip. I’m starting the Dukan Diet on Monday and I don’t want my food to go bad.  This is the diet the newly titled, Catherine Dutchess of Cambridge did before she married William this morning! I just have to say that she was a beautiful bride! She looked spectacular in her dress and just picture perfect, really.  I kills me to be inside today watching everyone “Get Down On It” in the streets of London-Town. Ugh… Its killing me! Only two more hours in my cube of torture! 

Any who, (I use that a lot and I have a feeling I’m using it incorrectly) (Parentheses too) negative people are getting on my nerves today! I’ve heard:
                1. Why would I care about someone’s wedding I don’t know?
                2.  With everything going on in the world right now like the tornados this is what they consider “Top News”
                3.  I wasn’t that impressed with her dress.
                4.  I wonder how much it costs tax payers to pay for that?

Ugh…  I just can’t take it! Why do negative people always have to drop buckets of negativity on something fun and exciting! Yes, I understand that there are terrible things going on in the world right now and the Royal Wedding shouldn’t be the only news of the day, but I’m sure if you flip through you’ll find networks delivering the stories your little negative hearts desire.  I just feel if you don’t have anything nice to say then don’t say anything at all. Just like my Mama taught me!! Like, what do these people think they are accomplishing by acting like that? I believe Reece Witherspoon said it perfectly when she said, "There’s so much happening in the world—and life is hard for a lot of people—and it’s a beautiful moment and I think everyone needs a little break to say, ‘Oh, wait, there’s happiness,’ and it’s worldwide,".  Way to go Reese!! Pump up the positivity!!

I’ve been trying not to let negative people affect me so much. When they say something negative it makes me think something negative in my head too! It’s just a vicious circle.  Last week, when I went to confession I had to wait in a line of chairs for my turn with the priest and this woman sat down next to be and “bitched” the whole time. She was ruining my “examining of my conscious” time, and making me pretty pissed off. She was huffing and puffing ! Why is this taking so long? I’ve been here for an hour! Gosh, she took FOREVER... bla… bla… bla… and looking for me to agree with her! I was getting really annoyed and she was ruining my time with God and making me think “bad thoughts” WHILE I waiting to confess my sins!! It was insane!! After she said her 98th comment to me I finally said, “patience is a virtue” and that shut her up for a tit.  When I finally spoke with the priest, I brought it up to him that when negative people say something, it just riles me up that they are sooo negative! He was just like don’t let it bother you and don’t eat ! Easier said than done, but I am working on it.  I guess I should practice the whole “Pie” analogy a little more. (Reference Post: No You Cannot Have My Pie).

Alrighty, well I guess I’m going to go. Hope you all have a swell weekend, and PUMP UP THE POSITIVITY!  

Last Minute Thought: What do puppies dream about? I mean I’ve been watching these Shiba Inu puppies and I can’t help but wonder what their dreams consist of? When Stells dreams, I know that she’s dreaming of chasing a ball through a big green yard. I just don’t understand what these puppies are dreaming about because they have no memories or life experiences to dream about. So are they dreaming about the womb or dreaming about the two seconds they wake up to change positions? I don’t get it? Woof! http://www.ustream.tv/sfshiba

Kale Chips

1 Bundle of Kale
1-2 Tablespoons of Olive Oil
Salt to taste

Pre-heat oven to 350 degrees

Step one: Wash and dry kale (salad spinners work magic)
Step two: Rip bite-size pieces of kale from stems
Step three: Add olive and mix in bowl with hands to make sure the pieces are evenly coated
Step four:  Spread out on cookie sheet
Step five: Sprinkle with desired amount of salt
Step six:  Bake for 10-20 minutes

They are very light and have the “taste” of a potato chip! I love them!  Nom… Nom… Nom… ENJOY!

Kale is the King (or Queen) of veggies!! Not only is it one of your best sources of beta-carotene, one of the antioxidants believed to be a major player in the battle against cancer, heart disease, and certain age-related chronic diseases, it also provides other important nutrients.

Kale also posses other important carotenoids that help keep UV rays from damaging the eyes and causing cataracts.
According to recent research results, kale is an incredible source of well-absorbed calcium, which is one of the many factors that may help prevent osteoporosis. It also provides decent amounts of vitamin C, folic acid, vitamin B6, manganese, and potassium.

Lastly, kale protects you from damaging free radicals. Its folate and B6 team up to keep homocysteine levels down, which may help prevent heart disease, dementia, and osteoporosis bone fractures.

Okay… Done being KALE NERD now!! Happy Friday!!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Spring has finally, SPRUNG!

How do you do? I do fine… Like the title says “Spring has finally, SPRUNG”, and I could not be more happy about it! It’s getting to be uncomfortable in the apartment; which is annoying, but I will say it makes me get up and go work out in the morning because its cooler at the gym. Ha ha ha… Any who, last night we had a “Roomies” dinner outing, which we haven’t done in forever! The last time I think we went was around this time last year when we went to this psycho (fun) sushi place where they rang a gong every time someone order a sake bomb (which was a lot). Don’t get me wrong, we eat out a lot, but it’s just never just us three. We have friends, boyfriends, family members and our favorite neighborhood hobo join us for meals, which is always fun! The more the merrier I say!  

Actual Photos of gong bangers @ the Sushi Place

Anyhow, we decide to spend our first gorgeous Spring evening at Poco, located at 3rd and Avenue B.  Last night’s weather conditions were amazing; it was about 70 degrees and there was a “cool breeze” rolling through and we were lucky enough to scored a sweet little table outside on the sidewalk.  The dinner-meal-deal for the night was $35 dollars for unlimited sangria (white or red) and two tapas of choice!  I choose the red sangria (naturally) and the other two went with white. However, I will say the dinner sangria was not as strong as the brunch, which gets you “black out drunk” (No I do not have a drinking problem). 

White Sangria (nasty lychee)

White Sangria (mine not pictured)

 Then we each selected our two tapas and decided to share. While we waited for the food to come out we enjoyed the evening with great conversations and great sites to see. For example, there was this girl that had conjoined toes like Kevin Costner in Water world, and we also saw Luis Guzman from How To Make It In America walk by our table with his “home dogs” (it was quite sweet).


Web foot

Kevin in Water World ( Number 9 Favorite Movie)

Then the food came which was soooo delicious! My favorite dish was the Mushroom Truffle Croquettes.

We started off with fresh baked breads served with chili and almond infused olive oil

Crispy Calamari tossed in honey chipotle aioli topped with roasted piquillo pepper salad & fresh cilantro   

Lobster Mac and Cheese:  Manchego, Parmesan, Asiago Cheese, Lobster Chunks  and shell Pasta Topped With Crunchy Panko

Mushroom Truffle Croquettes topped with truffle aioli drizzled with truffle oil

Cheese Plate: Asiago, Manchego and Cabrales blue cheese with apples, grapes, fig jam, honey & toast points

Pan Seared Scallops served over sautéed spinach with black pepper gnocchi and a sage brown butter

Skirt Steak And Manchego Cheese Lollipop accompanied by sweet onion jam & cilantro pesto

Anyhow, that was my night last night and dinner was soooo delicious and such a great time! If we added up everything that we got and divided it by three our total would have come out to $60  per person with tax and tip included! I love meal deals!!!! I cannot wait to go back to Poco for mussels night!!  Have a Happy Hump day Y’all!