Tuesday, December 20, 2011

But I thought Meridian was the Queen City...?

Well hello there.... Long time no see you silly little blog you!!! Ha... Well, A LOT has changed since I last got the ax.... However, all you really need to know is that I have finally moved back home to Mississippi, and I am very  happy with my decision. Don't get me wrong... I miss New York more than words can say =( 

Farewell NYC...

Any who... A few weekends ago Scott (another change/addition to my life haha) and I went to visit our friends the Zingerys in Charlotte, North Carolina!! I was soooo excited to see my friends and have a "relaxing" weekend away, and I was definitely looking forward to all the food that I would be consuming in four short days!

Downtown Charlotte

When we landed in "The Queen City" we went straight to dinner at a restaurant called Roosters. Our friend Alex used to cook here and have heard many good things about it; So I was really excited about going!! The food is served Tapas style which, I'm a big fan of!! The duck wings were my favorite!! quackkkkkkkkk!

 All the Roosters... Which, I've become obsessed with!

 Mac and Cheese

Pan-fried Corn... Delish!

The next morning Cassanova and I decided we would go work out at the gym and go to a "Total Body Sculpting Class"! Which became the biggest mistake of the trip!! I could not walk for the next two days!!! But I will say that I am glad that I let "Jackie" beat my body and my spirit that gorgeous Friday Morning! She motivated me to get back into shape.... (we shall see how that goes).  Cassie goes the YMCA in Charlotte and it is hands down one of the largest and nicest gyms I've seen in awhile! 

Charlotte (Dowd) YMCA

After breaking a sweat at the gym we went for BURGERS and BEERS!!! I mean why not??? When in Rome!!! Oh well for those 800 burned calories! Cassie had off of work and Vacay had officially started!!!  We went to Big Daddy's Burger Bar where they had tons of beers on tap, multiple gourmet burger options and slutty/trashy looking waitresses to keep it interesting! I ended up getting the "Frenchie Burger" which had apples, brie cheese and bacon on a  turkey patty!! And let me just say it was divine!

Big Daddy's Burger Bar!

 Delish Tots!

 My burger... The "Frenchie"

After consuming 1000 plus calories we went shopping.... And I found lots of pretty things I would like to take home to my closet, but I controlled myself since its so close to Christmas! After, that I took a much needed nap; so I could be functioning for a night out on the town!! 
We went to dinner at a sushi place called Enso; where some friends from college joined us! It was really great to see them! 

 Cassie and I at Enso! Ohhhhhhhhhhhh and I dyed my hair auburn!
Still getting used to it, but I think I love it!!!

 Enso's front entrance

Enso was soo good!! I really liked the environment! It reminded me of NYC!! Loud and trendy!! And the sake flowed like sweet, sweet wine from .... I dunno where, but it was yummm! Glad I got over my allergic reaction to it as well!

Scott and I at Dandelion! (I think?)

After we ate we hit the town and bar hopped to a few places.... We ended up at a pub with a band downstairs and a DJ upstairs!! Which I'm sure didn't contribute to my soreness in a few short hours!!

Saturday morning, I  rolled out of bed like a 8 month of pregnant woman.... I have not been this sore in YEARS!!! YEARS I tell you!! Around 11 AM we woke up and I was sooo PROUD! I haven't slept past 7 in forever!! It felt amazeballs!!! Any who, Scott made us all a scrumptious breakfast and after we proceeded to park in the the living room for about three hours; just chilling out relaxing and shooting some b ball on Scott's fabulous basketball goal... After a few hours of chewing the fat we got the great idea to take Scott's big glass jar of coins to CoinStar and see how much money it had in it. We of course had to put a wager on it!! So the guys went to the grocery and CoinStar while Cass and I got ready for the night. 

After all the money was calculated and we looked over the guesses I WON!!! Which was a drink of choice at dinner that night... I went with the cucumber Cosmo! yummmmmmmmmmmz! That night we went to Soul Gatrolounge, which was another tapas place (score ola!) and it had a laid back-hipster feel!! Some of their friends from Charlotte joined us and we had a really nice time.... They also had bone marrow on the menu; which is on my bucket list.... Unfortunately... I will NEVER be eating that again! It was disgusting.... Someone made that comment that it tasted like sperm... It was like eating hot, salty jello.... Barf ola!!!! 

Rocky Mountain Oysters!!! Delish!! 
Who knew bull testicles taste so good?!

 Bone Marrow....

 More disgusting Bone Marrow! 
Glad I can check it off my bucket list!

 Tuna Tacos!

Cass and I at Soul's bar!

 Warm Goat Cheese Bruschetta! 

More Truffle Fries!

 Not ready to go home tomorrow!  WAH!

Lamb Lollipops!!!!!!

The last day in Charlotte... We slept till about 10ish.... Cassie's college bed is the BEST EVA!!!! ha! Any who... We woke up and got ready to watch the Saints game and got to cooking... Cassie made Cowboy Caviar Dip and Mac and Cheese with about 800 different types of Cheeses in it! The Magee's brought over a cheese ball and you know how I can't resist CHEESE!!!!!!!!! Yummsssss.... We also had ribs that Scott cooked on his Green Egg! Everything was soooooooooo delish!!! To top it off we had a Banana Caramel Pie that Kara made and it was soooooooooooo good!! Needless to say, Scott and I were miserably stuffed for our flight back to the Coast!!! 

We had such a great time with our friends and I can't wait to see them again!! Thanks again y'all for being so hospitable and opening your home to us! Kiss Chloe and Jay-gina for me!!

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